Academy Constitution

Second Edition, 21st May, 2022

"Ubunifu, Ni Maisha | Innovation, Is Life"

Current constitution

Current constitution


1.1 The name of the academy is Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy.

1.1 Jina la chuo hicho ni Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy.

1.2 Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy Stands on Three pillar: PatriotismInnovation And Entrepreneurship here is where all activities immerse and the academy's missions lay on a solutions with innovations, hence the academy’s name explains its full intention to solve the societal problems via Innovations.

1.2 Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy inajengwa kwenye nguzo kuu tatu: UzalendoUbunifu, na Ujasiriamali; hapa ndipo ambapo shughuli zote zinafanyika na malengo ya chuo hiki ni kutoa suluhisho kwa kutumia mbinu za ubunifu. Jina la chuo hiki linabainisha wazi nia yake ya kutatua matatizo ya kijamii kupitia ubunifu wa hali ya juu.

1.3 The academy mother slogan is “Innovation, Is Life” this doesn’t prevent the introduction of more innovative slogans.

1.3 Kauli mbiu mama ya chuo ni “Uvumbuzi, Ni Maisha” hii haizuii kuanzishwa kwa kauli mbiu bunifu zaidi.

1.4 Academy colors:

Blue: Shows the academy’s universality/ diversity/ expansion Vision in all African countries as oceanic size on the earth.

Red: Stands for Togetherness/ patriotism, the readiness of Africans to die/loose the red blood in struggle for their own philosophical identity.

1.4 Rangi za shule:

Bluu: Inaonyesha maono ya chuo hicho kwa jumla/anuwai/ upanuzi katika nchi zote za Kiafrika kama ukubwa wa bahari duniani.

Nyekundu: Inasimamia Umoja/ uzalendo, utayari wa Waafrika kufa/kupoteza damu nyekundu katika mapambano ya utambulisho wao wa kifalsafa.

1.5 The Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy is in strategic dimensions operating in a manner utilizing science and technology by developing the social talents and create numerous specialists in practical entrepreneurial skills and experiences.

1.5 Chuo cha Ujasiriamali cha Dira kiko katika viwango vya kimkakati vinavyofanya kazi kwa njia ya kutumia sayansi na teknolojia kwa kukuza vipaji vya kijamii na kuunda wataalam wengi wa ujuzi na uzoefu wa ujasiriamali.

1.6 The Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy is to be run by great Vision leaders who have a great future in helping and assisting the public in rising the living standards and providing necessary support for one to reach in his/her main goals through entrepreneurial disciplines.

1.6 Taasisi ya Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy itaendeshwa na viongozi wakubwa wa Dira ambao wana mustakabali mzuri katika kusaidia na kusaidia umma katika kuinua hali ya maisha na kutoa msaada unaohitajika ili mtu afikie malengo yake makuu kupitia taaluma za ujasiriamali.


2.1 The purpose of Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy is to provide the opportunities to the youths and enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development in forming complete civilized societies in terms entrepreneurship, patriotism and innovation.

2.1 Madhumuni ya Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy ni kutoa fursa kwa vijana na kuongeza maarifa na ujuzi utakaowasaidia katika maendeleo binafsi katika kuunda jamii kamili zilizostaarabika katika masuala ya ujasiriamali, uzalendo na uvumbuzi.

2.2 Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy is to maximum and utilize Science and Technology by developing entrepreneurial abilities among the youths from multiple disciplinary platforms, to form best innovative entrepreneurs of tomorrow and qualifying patriotic leaders.

2.2 Dira ya Chuo cha Ujasiriamali ni kuongeza na kutumia Sayansi na Teknolojia kwa kukuza uwezo wa ujasiriamali miongoni mwa vijana kutoka kwa majukwaa mengi ya nidhamu, kuunda wajasiriamali bora wa kesho na viongozi wazalendo wanaohitimu.

2.3 Visiontanzania statement: “To become the leading international organization in applied mind transformation movements in patriotism, innovation and entrepreneurship among the African societies before 2040”

2.3 Tamko la Maono: "Kuwa shirika linaloongoza la kimataifa katika vuguvugu la mabadiliko ya akili katika uzalendo, uvumbuzi na ujasiriamali kati ya jamii za Kiafrika kabla ya 2040"

2.4 The mission statement of Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy consists the following:

2.4 Taarifa ya dhamira ya Visiontanzania Entrepreneurship Academy inajumuisha yafuatayo:

2.4.1 To develop professional leadership skills among the members and surrounding community via seminars, workshops, motivational speeches and so on.

2.4.1 Kukuza ujuzi wa uongozi wa kitaalamu miongoni mwa wanachama na jumuiya inayowazunguka kupitia semina, warsha, hotuba za uhamasishaji na kadhalika.

2.4.2 To help the members, understand the mechanism of a business management, managerial economics and enhance entrepreneurial skills via practical business processes.

2.4.2 Ili kuwasaidia wanachama, kuelewa utaratibu wa usimamizi wa biashara, uchumi wa usimamizi na kuongeza ujuzi wa ujasiriamali kupitia michakato ya biashara ya vitendo.

2.4.3 To Prepare members in order to pass successfully environmental scanning, business plan preparations and implementations, monitoring and evaluation in opportunities utilization.

2.4.3 Kuandaa wanachama ili kufaulu kwa ufanisi skanning ya mazingira , maandalizi na utekelezaji wa mpango wa biashara, ufuatiliaji na tathmini katika matumizi ya fursa.

2.4.4 To provide opportunities for members to work on entrepreneurship cooperation groups in the academy so as to facilitate team work.


2.4.5 To motivate young people to be creative and innovative through their talent development so as to become successful entrepreneurs.

2.4.6 To provide computer skills in computer laboratories and via critical discussions.

2.4.7 To initiate and manage talent and innovations competitions and awarding, also to initiate inter- and intra- institutions talents competitions.

2.4.8 To make researches and solve social problems among the societies.

  1. To find measures of fighting corruption and prioritize patriotism.
  2. To be ambassadors of human right institutions in educating the societies.
  3. To empower women and men through opportunities creation and discovery.
  4. To connect the youths to the government and other potential stakeholders.
  5. To navigate and organize development workshops and scientific researches.


Academy financial management:

3.1 Vision Entrepreneurship Academy is to continuously search for connections from various stakeholders through well organized business plans and social responsibility performing.

3.1 Vision Entrepreneurship Academy itaendelea kutafuta ushirikiano kutoka kwa wadau mbalimbali kupitia mipango ya biashara iliyopangwa vizuri na utendakazi wa uwajibikaji kwa jamii.

3.2 The academy administration will struggle as possible to find the sponsors, partners and facilitators as much as possible under the struggle of the board of directors, academy council and all members in navigating for national and international supports in finance and particular needed facilities for academy activities.

3.2 Utawala wa academy utajitahidi iwezekanavyo kupata wafadhili, washirika na wawezeshaji iwezekanavyo chini ya mapambano ya bodi ya wakurugenzi, baraza la academy na wanachama wote katika kutafuta usaidizi wa kitaifa na kimataifa katika fedha na vifaa vinavyohitajika hasa kwa shughuli za chuo.

3.3 The academy only consists well organized persons who have a plan to formulate a business in their current time and future where in their businesses a part of the profit ill be deposited in the academy’s bank account according to the well formulated financial policy or regulation by the board of directors.

3.3 Academy inajumuisha tu watu waliojipanga vizuri ambao wana mpango wa kumiliki biashara katika wakati wao wa sasa na siku zijazo ambapo katika biashara zao sehemu ya faida itawekwa kwenye akaunti ya benki ya ACADEMY kulingana na sera ya kifedha iliyoandaliwa vizuri na udhibiti wa Bodi ya wakurugenzi.

3.4 All the monetary decisions in the academy are to be made by the board of directors in agreement with the members, any discussion issue having been supported by 50% of all members will have to be termed as the academy approved issue to be implemented.

3.4 Maamuzi yote ya fedha katika chuo yanapaswa kufanywa na bodi ya wakurugenzi kwa makubaliano na wanachama, suala lolote la majadiliano likiwa limeungwa mkono na asilimia 50 ya wanachama wote litabidi liitwe suala lililoidhinishwa na chuo kutekelezwa.

  1. The academy members will have to offer the academy entry fee once per all membership time.
  2. The academy my formulate its own business for inflows.
  3. The academy members will pay periodic contributions for academy programs, every contribution is to specified to its usage. The contribution must be issued in the agreed period of time, unless otherwise the information is issued to the director of finance 72 hours before the specified contribution period.
  4. It is mandatory every member to pay a reasonable amount of money for processing and making a membership T-shirt and membership card, the amount is to be payed in the academy bank account, then a receipt to be issued to the accountant.
  5. The academy must posses the bank account, and signatories will be among the following chief executive officer, director of finance, accountant, managing director and general secretary where, among the mentioned the chief executive officer and director of finance are mandatory signatories.
  6. All the academy’s monetary issues are to be managed by the director of finance in assistance with the accountant under the board of directors. 
  7. All money is to be in the bank account unless the amount is set for immediate use in not more than 72 hours later.


About the requirement in order to meet the academy Qualification;


  1. The membership of Vision Entrepreneurship Academy is to principally consist entrepreneurship oriented people with visible patriotic and innovative initiatives. New applicants will have to be carefully examined by the board of directors before acceptance in the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy. Applicants who are scholars must posses average scores in class at least not less than Class “C” aver all recent results, the academy is not the home of failures.
  2. No any member to be admitted in Vision Entrepreneurship Academy unless is sure of being competent in attending the online meetings, discussions every day when in need and fully participating in all activities.
  3. The method of accepting members of the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy shall be determined by the academy board of directors but it is recommended to provide an online application system via the academy website then followed by the interview for the interested persons after the interview the board will seat for new members approval meeting. The board my discharge the duties to the chief executive officer and general secretary to formulate the simple committee for interviewing the applied members.
  4. In case the committee is formulated, it will have to consist a. committee chairperson, secretary and at least one assistant, the committee shouldn’t consist anyone from the board of directors, but the committee is to be supervised by the board of directors.
  5. The board meeting for accepting the new members shouldn't be held unless the following are present: a. senior advisor or chief executive officer b. managing director or secretary, c. director of finance or accountant with the absence of either one or more of the mentioned 3 leaders the meeting is to be postponed until when at least 3 leaders are present out of 6 also all may attend if are all present.
  6. After the approval meeting of the board the general secretary is to announce the date for official welcoming the new members.
  7. Every member under registration will have to posses the academy T shirt issued by the academy board of directors, if no sponsorship the members are to participate in contribution for T-shirts.
  8. A registered member shall be given identity card, The card shall have the member’s photograph, and other necessary information. The member will have his/her identity card visibly throughout all academy meetings and mass activities.
  9. The academy will introduce its policies, regulations, orders etc. Every is to obey with no excuse. 


  1. There will be a general meeting every Saturday per week (unless the board states otherwise, under specific reasons), the venue and time is to be determined by the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy’s general secretary.
  2. Each member of Vision Entrepreneurship Academy must attend the general meetings at least 50% per every 4 consecutive meetings, each member is required to provide full participation in the meeting by being punctual, asking questions, giving answers and opinions. The member is not to loose concentration in a meeting for example chatting, sleeping or nose making plus any related kind of disturbances. Excessive minor disturbances may terminate the member’s membership.
  3. Every meeting participant’s phone in the meeting is to be kept silent or switched off, there will be no allowance for anyone to talk to a phone during the meeting, unless there is a special case in emergence.
  4. The chief executive officer has power to send out any members who disturbs the meeting.
  5. The member must give a report one day before the day of meeting on the emergencies. In excuse of any case not to attend the meeting the member is to communicated with the general secretary within 24 hours after the meeting, failure to that the member will be subjected to the penalty decided by the board.
  6. Failure to attend the meeting by members with no information, the members is to undergo a penalty agreed by the board of directors.
  7. The penalty is to be issued to the director of finance in 24 hours, penalty is anything beneficial to the academy but reminds a member to obey the constitution, hence penalty is not only money.
  8. Unless otherwise continuations of absence in the meeting may subject a member into membership discontinuation. 
  9. The academy will have regular meetings in whatsapp groups through discussing the available topics accordingly and being educated according to the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy timetable attached, also all members will have to attend the General meetings every Saturday in the location and time allocated on the general timetable otherwise stated by the academy board of directors.
  10. No general meeting to be held unless the academy members participating in the meeting are not less than half of the total academy members, unless stated otherwise by the board.
  11. The board may cancel the general meetings if they falls on a legal holiday, or when another relevant event is being held to which most members are going to attend or a epidemic, a disaster affecting the whole community, or an armed conflict in the community that endangers the lives of the academy members. The board may cancel not more than three general meetings that are following each other in a month.
  12. During the holidays the general meetings will be held via social media such as zoom cloud meeting, club house, whatsapp, instagram, facebook, skype and others, therefore members should not intentionally plan to cancel any meeting with no major reasons and each member is to create an environment of being able to attend online meetings. The daily meeting schedule may change depending on the need of the academy.
  13. Not only in holidays some times the Online meetings are to be held to enable easy reach to all members.
  14. The academy should designate one or more members of its academy member/leader to meet at least once a week with their advisors and stakeholders.


  1. The Vision Entrepreneurship Academy will maintain team work, hence every academy member must be joined in one permanent group of the academy. The groups are be formulated and managed by the board of directors. The minimum duration of the permanent groups is 6 months (180 days), hence the groups should not be broken after being made but may be adjusted. Every group must have its own unique name suggested by group members.
  2. A group member may be removed from one group and be fixed in the other to meet the academy vision, with disciplinary issue in the group the member’s membership may terminate.
  3. The group is to consist members with similarities in vision, dreams and development ideas, and thus the groups are to act as intermediaries in uniting the members and formulate a strong bond of a team with one strong idea/vision/dream and struggle to accomplish it together in solving the social problems via innovations. 


  1. Membership shall automatically terminate upon intended failure to comply with any of the articles 4:1-3, or failure to meet attendance requirements, unless excused by the board of directors of this academy for good and sufficient reason or by inefficiency and unprofessional behavior of the member including the dressing, talking styles, negligence to much silence.
  2. The members having misbehaved the board will host a meeting to discuss upon them and make decisions, if membership has to terminate then the chief executive officer will declare the termination and the general secretary will issue them termination letters.


5.0 Objective Defining the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy activities and projects,

  1. Within the limits prescribed in article 2 the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy shall be responsible for planning, organizing, financing control, and conducting its own activities and shall itself find generate funds through its activities and business projects, finding sponsorship opportunities for members, manpower, and creative imaginations.
  2. The Vision Entrepreneurship Academy shall undertake among its activities at least two major projects every 6 months.
  3. This academy shall provide professional development program and seminars for its members.
  4. It is the responsibility of the academy to raise the funds necessary to carry out its program.
  5. Activities of the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy consist of seminars, workshops, discussions, professional development as well as socialization events, business management and operations.
  6. The academy start the groups entrepreneurs of consultancy teams that will try to analyze and help small businesses improve their performances.


6.0 The following legal issues are to be obeyed by every academy member on admission.

  1. Ignorance of any law or any academy regulation shall not be accepted as an excuse for any consequence under breach of constitution. Accordingly, every member on enrolment shall be required to obtain a copy of the constitution that is for the time being in force, under re-edition of the constitution all members will be required to obtain a new copy of the updated constitution immediately as soon as a new constitution is in effective power.
  2. Every member of the academy, by acceptance of membership, thereby accepts the principles of Vision Entrepreneurship Academy as expressed in its vision and missions and agrees to comply with the constitution and by-laws of this academy, and on these conditions alone is entitled to the privileges of the academy. No member shall be absolved from the observance of the constitution and by-laws.
  3. Laws affecting members shall be reviewed from time to time by the board of directors in accordance with the statute of the academy and promulgated by the Chief executive officer of the academy.


7.1 Vision Entrepreneurship Academy as other organizations will be governed by the board of directors that will control the academy activities and members towards the academy vision, and therefore this being the the constitution with a collection of laws, must be obeyed by all members where the leaders must be the role models.

The following will be academy leaders:

7.2 Senior Advisor

7.2.1 Mode of being obtained:

  1. The Vision Entrepreneurship Academy advisor will be suggested and voted by qualifying active members and if more than 50% of the members will have a unit agreement via votes the advisor will be accepted where the chief executive officer of the academy and his / her assistant leaders will make a deep check on a suggested advisor to see if really qualifies to stimulate academy development.
  2. If the suggestion will be under errors the academy chief executive officer will have to call for a new process of re-suggesting and re-voting. After getting the advisor the general secretary will have to write a letter to request the selected to be the academy advisor and be aware.
  3. In case the selected advisor won’t be able to agree with the request the similar procedures will be repeated until the academy advisor is obtained.
  4. The lasting period of the academy advisor will not be constant, and will continue being in power in case 80% of all member of the academy are comfortable with him/her due to his/her full participation in stimulating the academy development as indicated in his/her functions in article 7.1.2 If from 20% of the academy members will not be comfortable with the advisor in his/her cooperation. The chief executive officer will have to apply article 7.1.1 For the academy life.
  5. The academy advisor must be good in entrepreneurship and business related issues so as to manage the academy, therefore no one will be accepted to be an advisor if is not familiar with patriotism, entrepreneurship and innovation concepts.

7.2.2 Functions of the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy advisor:

  1. To motivate the academy members and provide assistance in finding facilitators and sponsors in various academy activities.
  2. Will be the overall academy advisor.
  3. To make deep follow up on the academy decision.
  4. To make a final advise on selected leaders.
  5. To represent Vision Entrepreneurship Academy in the organizations administration board and in entrepreneurship related concepts.
  6. To announce and connect the academy with various business organizations / companies and entrepreneurs plus the government.
  7. To make survey for entrepreneurship opportunities for the academy members.
  8. To make the final advise on the academy’s projects and individuals projects.
  9. To advice and maintain the academy members behaviors, also has power to disconnect a member of the academy who lacks full qualifications due to negligence.
  10. To pass through and advice on basic out going letters.
  11. To represent the academy in public issues related to entrepreneurship issues, he/she may send his / her close staff member [entrepreneur] in case of emergencies.
  12. To invite the staff members and guests in entrepreneurship to support the academy via available manners.

7.3 Academy council members characteristics

  1. Must be a professional at from any field of study that is certificate, diploma, bachelor or PhD
  2. Must be well aware in entrepreneurship skills, the one that is running entrepreneurship activities e.g business must be favoured.
  3. Must be a best role mode among other community members, thus should not have a record of criminal cases.
  4. Must be a person of great future, thus a person of great vision and free for academy.
  5. From 1st of April to 20th 0f May the chief executive officer will open the window for all members who wish to become the academy leaders, and all contestants will be given the election forms by the general secretary of the academy to be filled and resubmitted before 20th May every year. 

7.4 The academy board of directors

  1. Chief executive officer
  2. Managing director
  3. General Secretary
  4. director of finance
  5. Accountant

7.5 Academy council

The following are not in the board of directors, but are council members with duties to assist the board by advice, ideas and suggestions. Are the close representatives of the academy members. Also the senior academy advisor is not a board member but a council member.

  1. Ambassadors
  2. Coordinators

The general election will be held within the 1st APRIL - 20th MAY every year, thus new academy leaders will start their duties before the 25th May, every year. The members will vote for the suggested (the ones have been suggested and those suggested themselves) the board of directors will discuss together upon the voted new leaders and may adjust/change the members choice for the academy vision accomplishment. The Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director is the only one to announce the new leaders not otherwise.

7.4.1 Functions of chief executive officer:

  1. To monitor all academy activities 
  2. To control academy general election
  3. To cooperate with academy advisor in finding sponsors and facilitators for various academy activities.
  4. To maintain the behaviors of academy members.
  5. To announce the end of non qualifying members and terminate their memberships.
  6. To represent the academy in various social activities, and to stand on the behalf of the academy in various social activities.
  7. To plan and organize the academy projects / activities.
  8. To invite various professionals to visit the academy frequently, so as to motivate the academy members.
  9. To evaluate and decide on the functioning of the academy leaders.
  10. To receive the academy information from the managing director and decide about them, and provide a feedback immediately.
  11. To have a discussion with the advisor at least twice a month to discuss the progression of the academy. 

7.4.2 Managing director

Is the running engine of the academy, will plan and make followups on the on each and every academy programs/ projects/ activities and so on. The general secretary will work under the managing director and so he/she is the assistant of the managing director.

7.4.3 Functions of general secretary

  1. To prepare academy meetings.
  2. To prepare a monthly report on the academy progression.
  3. To keep all academy documents secured.
  4. To provide election form to the ones contesting for academy leadership positions.
  5. To keep records of academy member attendances in meetings. 
  6. To prepare letters that are going outside the academy.
  7. To cross check the efficiency and effectiveness of the ambassadors.
  8. To meet the academy advisor at least twice a month to discuss on the academy development.
  9. To prepare and provide necessary announcements that are basic to the members.
  10. To accept and access the academy opinions and suggestions from the ambassadors then submit them to the chief executive officer.

7.4.4 Functions of the director of finance and accountant

The accountant will work under the director of finance, the accountant is the assistant of the finance director, The two are to work together in all related financial issues but the director of finance is the top and has to discharge the duties to the accountant.   

  1. To finance related documents of the academy.
  2. To navigate for financial sponsorship for the academy from various stake holders like, organizations, government, entrepreneurs & companies.
  3. To be responsible in all academy transactions.
  4. To collect the fees of the academy members.
  5. To motivate the academy members in planning various financial projects.
  6. To plan funding academy programs.
  7. To manage the bank account of the academy In cooperation with a chief executive officer.
  8. To plan and draft the academy budget periodically.
  9. Is responsible for each and procurement [purchasing] activities of the academy.
  10. To evaluate the financial status of the academy daily.

7.5.1 The Functions of the Ambassadors

  1. The ambassadors will be directly selected by the board within the first 2 week after starting leadership, hence must be before 09th of June every Year
  2. The academy will have only two ambassadors, where one will be from Ordinary Diploma Courses and the other will be from Bachelor and other higher courses, and they will work in their principal levels.
  3. The ambassadors should be the members of MUSTSO Parliament,! IF NOT the ambassadors must be the most influential individuals of the university, the one that will be a leader in MUSTSO will be highly favoured.
  4. To evaluate the general progression of their academy members.
  5. To connect the academy members with the higher board of the academy.
  6. To collect the academy fees and other contributions and deliver them to the chief director of finance of the academy.
  7. To influence the scholars to join the academy & attend the academy board meetings.
  8. To Supply the announcements to the board of members of MUSTSO Parliaments to respective levels.
  9. To collect various suggestions and opinions from the coordinators and submit them to the managing director.  

7.5.ii Functions of the coordinators    

The academy will have coordinators who will be the class representatives [CRs] in every course.

  1. To supply the entrepreneurship academy information to all course mates.
  2. To collect questions, ideas, and suggestions from the class mates and submit them to the ambassadors.
  3. To organize the scholars and influence them towards entrepreneurship.
  4. To Identify and manage the entrepreneurship minded classmates.


  1. The leadership of any leader in the academy may terminate any time upon failure to comply with the duties prescribed to any section of this constitution or leadership duties. 
  2. A top most management of the academy to any leader may be give any duty beyond the duties described in this constitution hence the duties are to be handled and accomplished fully.
  3. The board members will regularly discuss the leaders behaviour and decide on leadership termination for misbehaving leaders.


I.……………………………………………………………………swear that, I will be honest and responsible to Vision Entrepreneurship Academy by serving with all my heart, all my responsibilities and I will be active by defending the constitution of Vision Entrepreneurship Academy in accordance with the laws of the United Republic of Tanzania, the international laws and principles that govern entrepreneurial programs and human rights. 

Oh! God help me

I…………………………………………… promise that I will best serve the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy in its Vision in the duty of the……………….…………………… in my duties for Vision Entrepreneurship Academy in any way I will not misbehave against the constitution and expose secrets of the Vision Entrepreneurship Academy except by fulfilling the duty of the job or with the approval of the board of directors of the academy.

Oh! God help me

The signature of the sworn leader……………….

Date …………….. Location……….………..……..……….

Name of oath guide………………………….………..…

Position of the oath guider……………………….…

Signature of the oath guide…………………………..

Date …..…… Location……..…………………....………..


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