Microsoft Excel | WPS | Excel Computer Short-cuts
*Ctrl + Shift + Formats selected cells to number format.
= Enter formula editing mode in the cell
Advanced Filter options (Data Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for using specific options within the Advanced Filter feature.
Alt Show the Ribbon tabs' access keys
Alt + [Letter] Use the access key to navigate to a specific Ribbon tab
Alt + = Insert a chart based on the current selection.
Alt + D + P Opens the Create PivotTable dialog box.
Alt + E + S + V Paste Values only (without formatting) from the clipboard.
Alt + Enter Inserts a line break within a cell.
Alt + F11 Open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) for creating and editing macros (advanced users).
Alt + H + E + S Clear Cells - clears all formatting, contents, and comments from selected cells.
Alt + O + C + P Open the Customize Keyboard shortcut menu.
Alt + P + [Letter] Access specific options within the Print dialog.
Alt + Tab Switch between open Excel workbooks.
Assign Macro to Button (Developer Tab) Keyboard shortcut for assigning a macro to a button form control.
Backspace Delete the content to the left of the cursor in the cell
Border Line Styles (Home Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for applying border styles.
Change Chart Type (Chart Tools Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for switching between different chart types.
Change Chart Type (Chart Tools Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for specific chart type options (e.g., Ctrl + H for Histogram).
CLEAN Function (Data Tab) Clean text by removing extra spaces or converting text to uppercase/lowercase.
Clear Formatting (multiple shortcuts) Keyboard shortcuts for clearing specific formatting options like fonts, borders, or fill colors (e.g., Ctrl + Shift + @ clears number formatting).
Clear Validation (Data Validation) Keyboard shortcut for removing data validation from selected cells.
Comma (,) Separator for arguments within a formula.
Consolidate (Data Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for consolidating data from multiple worksheets/workbooks.
Consolidate Ranges (Data Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for specifying ranges within the Consolidate dialog.
Create Custom View (View Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for creating and managing custom views of your worksheet.
Ctrl + [ (square bracket) Collapses the selected outline group.
Ctrl + [ (square bracket) + Enter Creates an array formula (used for performing calculations on multiple cells at once).
Ctrl + [ ] (square brackets) Collapse/Expand outline group
Ctrl + [ ] (square brackets) Minimize/Maximize workbook window.
Ctrl + ] (square bracket) Expands the selected outline group.
Ctrl + ` Toggle formula/result view
Ctrl + ` (backtick) Toggles between displaying formulas and their calculated results.
Ctrl + ` (backtick) Show/hide formulas behind results.
Ctrl + ~ (tilde) Toggles between displaying cell values and formulas within the formula bar.
Ctrl + 1 Opens the Format Cells dialog box.
Ctrl + 1 Open Format Cells dialog
Ctrl + 1, then specific formatting options Quickly apply specific formatting options through the Format Cells dialog using keyboard shortcuts. (e.g., Ctrl + 1, H for Fill Color)
Ctrl + A Select all cells on the active sheet.
Ctrl + Arrow keys (with Shift) Extend selection in the direction of the arrow key while holding Shift.
Ctrl + Arrow keys (without Shift) Move to the edge of the data in that direction (e.g., Ctrl + Right moves to the rightmost cell with data).
Ctrl + Arrow keys (without Shift) + Enter Fills the selection with the value from the cell in the direction of the arrow key.
Ctrl + B Bold selected text
Ctrl + B, I, U (together) Apply bold, italic, and underline formatting simultaneously (if all three are selected).
Ctrl + B/I/U Bold/Italicize/Underline
Ctrl + C Copy selected cells
Ctrl + C/X/V Copy/Cut/Paste
Ctrl + Click (on multiple cells) Select non-contiguous cells.
Ctrl + D Fills the selected range with the pattern from the cell above.
Ctrl + D Fill down pattern from above cell
Ctrl + End Move to the end of the worksheet (used cell in the bottom right corner)
Ctrl + End Move to last used cell
Ctrl + End + Up/Down arrow Selects all data used in the worksheet.
Ctrl + End + Up/Down arrow Select all used data
Ctrl + Enter Fills the formula down to the selected range of cells.
Ctrl + Enter Fill formula down
Ctrl + Enter Wrap text within a cell automatically.
Ctrl + Enter (in formula bar) Enters the formula and moves the cursor down one cell.
Ctrl + F1 Inserts a chart based on the selected data.
Ctrl + F1 Insert chart based on selected data
Ctrl + F12 Save As with options for file format and location.
Ctrl + F2 Add a comment to the selected cell.
Ctrl + F4 Close Excel
Ctrl + F4 Close Excel
Ctrl + H Opens the Find and Replace dialog for advanced text searching and replacement.
Ctrl + H Find and Replace
Ctrl + Home Move to the beginning of the worksheet (A1 cell)
Ctrl + Home Move to A1 cell
Ctrl + Home + Arrow keys Move to the beginning/end of a row/column (e.g., Ctrl + Home + Left moves to the beginning of the current row).
Ctrl + Home + End (direction arrow) Select from the beginning/end of the row/column to the current cell (e.g., Ctrl + Home + Left selects from the beginning of the row to the current cell).
Ctrl + I Italicize selected text
Ctrl + K Create a hyperlink from text.
Ctrl + N Create a new workbook
Ctrl + N/O/S/W New/Open/Save/Close workbook
Ctrl + O Open an existing workbook
Ctrl + Page Down Selects the entire worksheet.
Ctrl + Page Down Select entire worksheet
Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Scroll by screen instead of page.
Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn Moves to the first or last non-blank cell in the current column or row.
Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn Move to first/last non-blank cell
Ctrl + S Save the current workbook
Ctrl + Shift + - Deletes the selected row.
Ctrl + Shift + $ Format cells to display currency
Ctrl + Shift + $ Convert selected reference to absolute.
Ctrl + Shift + $/% Format as Currency/Percentage
Ctrl + Shift + % Format cells to display percentage
Ctrl + Shift + & AutoSum - calculates the sum of the above cells in a column.
Ctrl + Shift + & AutoSum
Ctrl + Shift + . (period) Hide detail rows within an outline.
Ctrl + Shift + @ Applies the current date format to selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift + @ Apply current date format
Ctrl + Shift + [ ] (square brackets) Collapse/Expand all outline groups at once.
Ctrl + Shift + + Inserts a new row below the selected row.
Ctrl + Shift + + (plus sign) Transpose selected range (swap rows and columns).
Ctrl + Shift + + (plus sign) Show detail rows within an outline.
Ctrl + Shift + +/− Insert/Delete row
Ctrl + Shift + > Fill down contents/formatting
Ctrl + Shift + End Select entire used range on the worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + F Find and Replace with formatting options.
Ctrl + Shift + F10 Minimize the ribbon for more screen space.
Ctrl + Shift + F11 Opens the Conditional Formatting rules pane.
Ctrl + Shift + F11 Open Conditional Formatting rules pane
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Save As with different file format.
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Save As with options for sharing and collaboration.
Ctrl + Shift + F3 Create a named range from a selection of cells
Ctrl + Shift + F3 Create named range
Ctrl + Shift + F9 Calculates all worksheets in the workbook.
Ctrl + Shift + F9 Calculate all worksheets
Ctrl + Shift + K Creates a hyperlink in the selected cell.
Ctrl + Shift + K Create hyperlink
Ctrl + Shift + S Opens the Conditional Formatting Style Rules manager.
Ctrl + Shift + S (multiple times) Cycle through different formatting options within the Conditional Formatting Style Rules manager.
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar Select the entire current worksheet (alternative to Ctrl + Page Down).
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down arrow Selects all cells with data above or below the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down arrow Select all data above/below
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down arrow Select all data above/below
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down arrow (multiple times) Select a block of cells extending the selection in the chosen direction with each keypress.
Ctrl + Space Selects the entire current column.
Ctrl + Space/Shift + Space Select entire column/row
Ctrl + T Converts the selected range into a table format (handy for filtering and sorting).
Ctrl + T Convert to Table format
Ctrl + Tab Moves between worksheets within the workbook.
Ctrl + Tab Switch between worksheets
Ctrl + U Underline selected text
Ctrl + V Paste copied cells
Ctrl + W Close the current workbook
Ctrl + X Cut selected cells
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Z/Y Undo/Redo
Customize Keyboard (File Tab) Assign custom keyboard shortcuts to specific Excel commands or macros.
Data Analysis Toolpak (Add-In) Keyboard shortcuts for using various data analysis tools after enabling the Data Analysis Toolpak add-in.
Data Bar/Icon Sets/Color Scales (Conditional Formatting Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for applying these specific conditional formatting options.
Data Tab > Data Validation Access Data Validation options to restrict what data can be entered in cells.
Data Tab shortcuts (multiple) Explore the Data Tab for shortcuts related to data analysis tools like Data Tables and PivotTables.
Data Tab shortcuts (multiple) Explore the Data Tab for shortcuts related to specific data validation criteria (e.g., setting a date range, limiting text length).
Data Table (Data Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for creating and editing data tables to analyze different scenarios based on changing input values.
Delete Delete selected cells
Delete Delete selected cells
Delete key Delete a selected conditional formatting rule.
Developer Tab shortcuts (multiple) Keyboard shortcuts for inserting and manipulating form controls (e.g., drop-down lists, checkboxes) on your worksheet (Developer Tab needs to be enabled).
Developer Tab shortcuts (multiple) Explore the Developer Tab for shortcuts related to editing properties and functionalities of form controls (if the Developer Tab is enabled).
Digital Signature (File Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for adding or removing a digital signature to the workbook.
Encrypt Document (File Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for encrypting the Excel workbook with a password.
Esc Cancel formula editing.
Explore the Insert, Data, and other tabs on the Ribbon for more shortcut options related to specific tasks.You can combine many shortcut keys with the Ctrl key. For example, Ctrl + Home takes you to the beginning of the worksheet, while Home by itself moves you to the beginning of the current row.
F2 Edit the active cell
F2 Edit active cell
F2 + Enter Accepts formula edits and moves the cursor down one cell.
F2 + F4 Edit formula and cycle through reference types.
F3 Paste references relative to the cell being edited (helpful for copying formulas).
F4 Repeats the last action (useful for filling formulas)
F4 Cycles through absolute and relative references in a formula (e.g., A1 becomes $A$1).
F4 Cycle through absolute/relative references
F4 (multiple times) Cycle through different formula reference types (e.g., relative, absolute, mixed) within a formula.
F4 + $ (dollar sign) Convert a selected reference within a formula to absolute reference.
F4 + Arrow keys Absolute Reference Lock - locks specific parts of a cell reference within a formula (e.g., F4 + Down locks the row in A1).
F4 + Arrow keys Absolute Reference Lock
F4 + F3 Paste a reference relative to the active cell while editing a formula.
F5 Opens the "Go To" dialog to jump to specific cells or ranges.
F5 Go To specific cell/range
F5 Go To specific cell/range by name or reference.
F7 Spell check
F7 Spell check
F8 Extend Selection mode (allows for non-contiguous selections).
F9 Calculates the active sheet.
F9 Calculate active sheet
F9 Calculate all formulas in the active sheet.
File Management (File Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for various file management tasks like opening, saving, and printing.
Fill Color/Font Color (Home Tab) Apply fill/font color using keyboard shortcuts.
Fill Handle (drag down/right) Copy formatting and formulas to adjacent cells while dragging the fill handle.
Find and Replace (Home Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for advanced search and replace options within the Find and Replace dialog.
Format Axis (Chart Tools Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for formatting chart axes (e.g., titles, labels).
Format Cells Dialog (multiple shortcuts) Keyboard shortcuts within the Format Cells dialog for specific formatting options.
Format Chart Elements (Chart Tools Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for formatting chart elements like titles, axes, and data points.
Formatting and Data Manipulation
Freeze Panes (View Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for freezing panes to lock specific rows or columns while scrolling.
Function Arguments Help (F1) Press F1 while editing a function to get help and information about the function's arguments.
Goal Seek (Data Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for using Goal Seek to find a specific outcome by adjusting a value.
Home Tab shortcuts (multiple) Explore the Home Tab for shortcuts related to applying basic conditional formatting rules (e.g., Font Color based on a value).
Increase/Decrease Decimal (Home Tab) Increase/decrease decimal places.
Increase/Decrease Font Size (Home Tab) Increase/decrease font size using keyboard shortcuts.
Input Message/Error Alert (Data Validation) Keyboard shortcuts for editing the input message and error alert displayed when using data validation.
Insert Comment (Review Tab) Keyboard shortcut for inserting a comment on a specific cell.
Insert Hyperlink (Insert Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for specifying the link address and display text when creating a hyperlink.
Insert Rows/Columns (Home Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for inserting rows or columns.
Keyboard shortcuts for specific functions Many functions have keyboard shortcuts for entering them quickly (e.g., Ctrl + Shift + $ for SUMIFS).
Macros (View Tab) Record and assign keyboard shortcuts to macros.
Macros (View Tab) Record and assign keyboard shortcuts to frequently used macros for automation.
Manage Add-Ins (File Tab) Access options for managing Excel add-ins (optional functionality extensions).
Manage Rules (Conditional Formatting Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for managing existing conditional formatting rules (e.g., editing, deleting).
Merge & Center (Home Tab) Merge and center cells using shortcut.
Name Box (formula bar) Quickly jump to specific named ranges by typing the range name in the Name Box.
Next/Previous Comment (Review Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for navigating between comments in the worksheet.
PgDn Scroll down one page
PgUp Scroll up one page
PgUp/PgDn Scroll up/down one page
PivotTable Tab shortcuts (multiple) Keyboard shortcuts within the PivotTable Tab for manipulating PivotTables.
Protect Sheet (Review Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for protecting sheets from unauthorized editing.
Protect/Unprotect Sheet (Review Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for protecting specific sheets or the entire workbook from unauthorized editing.
Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) Add frequently used commands to the QAT for one-click access with keyboard shortcuts (e.g., Alt + 1 for the first command on the QAT).
Restrict Editing (Review Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for restricting editing permissions for specific users or groups.
Review Tab shortcuts (multiple) Keyboard shortcuts for functionalities like adding comments, tracking changes, and protecting sheets.
Right-click + Hyperlink Edit or remove a hyperlink.
Right-click context menu Many functionalities within the right-click context menu have keyboard shortcut equivalents.
Right-click context menu customization Customize the right-click context menu to include frequently used commands with keyboard shortcut equivalents.
Scenario Manager (Data Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for managing scenarios (different sets of assumptions for calculations).
Search within Excel Options Search for specific shortcut functionalities within Excel settings.
Select Chart Elements (Chart Tools Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for selecting specific chart elements like data points or chart titles for formatting.
Set Cell/Set Value/By Changing Cell (Goal Seek) Keyboard shortcuts for specifying the target cell, value, and variable cell within the Goal Seek dialog.
Shift + F11 Insert a new worksheet.
Shift + F3 Paste Function (opens function wizard).
Shift + Space Selects the entire current row.
Shift + Spacebar Select the entire current row (alternative to Ctrl + Space).
Shortcut menu (right-click) Access Data Validation options from the right-click menu on selected cells.
Show/Hide Comments (Review Tab) Keyboard shortcut for toggling the visibility of comments on the worksheet.
Show/Hide Custom View (View Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for showing or hiding saved custom views.
Sort & Filter (Data Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for sorting and filtering data.
Special Cells (Home Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for using the "Go To Special" feature to jump to specific cell types (e.v., blanks, constants).
Specific add-in shortcuts (if applicable) Some add-ins might have their own shortcut keys.
Subtotal (Data Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for using the Subtotal function for summarizing data.
SUMIFS/AVERAGEIFS/COUNTIFS Functions Keyboard shortcuts for entering these functions (holding down Ctrl + Shift while typing the function name).
Tab/Enter Move between arguments within a formula.
Track Changes (Review Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for turning on/off track changes and highlighting changes made by different users.
Unprotect Sheet (Review Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for unprotecting sheets.
Up/Down/Left/Right arrows Move around within the worksheet cell by cell
Up/Down/Left/Right arrows Move cell by cell
VBE shortcut keys (multiple) Explore the VBE for keyboard shortcuts related to code editing and debugging (applicable for users working with VBA).
View Tab shortcuts (multiple) Various shortcuts for arranging and managing workbook windows (e.g., New Window, Arrange All).
View Tab shortcuts (multiple) Explore the View Tab for shortcuts related to customizing your worksheet view (e.g., gridlines, formula bar).
View Tab shortcuts (multiple) Explore the View Tab for shortcuts related to customizing your worksheet view and managing windows.
Zoom In/Out (View Tab) Keyboard shortcuts for zooming in and out of the worksheet.
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